About Us

The Code Behind the Clothes

We find ourselves at a crossroads where past, present, and future mingle and mix to create the full expression of our lives.  We are feeling a need to honor our roots, and spread our wings at the same time.

Our intention is that our designs call forth our timeless essence that wants to find expression in the here and now…as a sort of a link to our previous incarnations as fully empowered human beings.

We are realizing that in essence we are warriors, and we are regal...we are rugged, and we can express this rugged beauty through how we present ourselves to the world.

We believe that clothing can express a deep sense of strength and power as well as incorporate beauty, grace, and elegant form. 

We are not striving to cater to just one type of persona or scene.  We are seeing our clothing being worn by a wide range of people, blurring the boundaries between many seemingly different subcultures.

We are designing for a new global collective of individuals finding personal expression through adornment.

May our designs honor you in your highest form, and inspire you to embody your highest vision of yourself. At this time the world needs us all to embody our most impeccable and empowered selves.

May the clothing that we create continue to inspire you to be in your highest, to reach for your dreams, and to conjure magic in your life.


We produce our line of clothing and accessories in Bali, Indonesia where we live for 6 months of every year. We have been working with the same families since 2001. We are very conscious about fair trade practices and keeping our impact on the environment as minimal as possible.

We spend much time working side by side with the artists who produce our designs. Our facilities are generally filled with smiles, laughter, and positive vibes, which is a good sign that our producers are happy about the work they are doing.

Great care is taken during the production process. All of the excess dye is put into an evaporation trough so as not to contaminate any groundwater or be dumped down the drain leading to local waterways.  All excess scraps of fabric are sewn together to create our Mozaic line of products, and our new baby clothing line, which are made of 100% recycled fabric.

Whenever possible we use Organically grown fibers such as Organic Cotton and Organic Bamboo. We have also recently begun using Modal fibers in many of our garments. Modal is a new "eco" fiber that can be used in place of cotton for many applications.

Batik is a traditional art form in Indonesia that we are happy to be helping to sustain within the culture.  We see our products as a fusion of our own artistic designs and their traditional batik methods.

We pay our staff generously because we believe in the quality of work they are doing and would like to offer our producers and their families more opportunity to be successful and abundant.

We are not “certified” fair trade because we have yet to find a “certified” fair trade producer of the cotton/lycra fabric that we are currently using.

We are taking steps to locate that source and become a fully certified fair trade company.  In all other aspects our standards go beyond what the fair trade certification calls for and we are proud to infuse consciousness and integrity in all aspects of our business.